Personal goal setting with a twist

Today my erratic theme relates to personal goal setting. I was thinking about goal setting and how important it is to write down my goals. This not only helps in simply remembering the goals, but also there seems to be some magic to committing goals to paper. This is written quite regularly in self-help books and articles on personal growth and success.

In thinking about today’s theme, I began pondering other areas where I write down things so that I am sure not to forget them. This led me to the preparation of grocery shopping lists. The twist came when I considered the relative importance of certain items on the shopping list. I thought, “what items, if I were I to leave the store without them, would most certainly prompt a return visit to the store to purchase them?” Would it be the milk? the bread? the bathroom tissue? The items that would prompt a return visit are, from my perspective, the most critical ones on that list.

If we make a list of goals for the day or the week, just like our shopping list, which goals must be accomplished today? Especially if, like my lists of goals, there are more items every day than time to accomplish them all. What goals, if we look back at our list at the end of the day, or the end of the month, or the end of the year, were the most important to accomplish? Did we accomplish the most important things on our list? Or did we spend too much time on the less important items?

By considering the relative importance of each goal or task that we strive to accomplish, we have a better chance of achieving what is really important to us in whatever we do.

RJ Clement

Just Take Action

Today’s theme is “Just take action.” There are entire books written on the importance of taking action relative to whatever you want to accomplish. This can apply to any project, whether you are writing the next great global best-selling novel, writing a song, starting a business, or even just getting started on a project around the house upon which you have been procrastinating.

Tony Robbins, famous American self-help author, motivational speaker, and advisor to leaders from around the world says, “the path to success is to take massive, determined action.”

Much of what I do on a daily basis these days is relatively new to me; running, blogging, business consulting, and it can be very easy to be paralyzed by inaction, so I simply try to tell myself each day that I need to take action today. The more the better.

Eckhart Tolle, New York Times Bestselling Author, says, “Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it’s no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing.”